Untitled  1980
"Atum" 1978
"Tammuz" 1978
"Hung Spoon" 1980
"Knife and Coins"  1978
"Plumbob"  1978
"Djed" 1978
Untitled  1978
Untitled  1978
Untitled  1976
Untitled  1976
Untitled  1980
Untitled 1980

57" x 40" x 3",  threaded rod, wood, paint, string

"Atum" 1978
"Atum" 1978

40" x 80", wood, fabric, string, paint

"Tammuz" 1978
"Tammuz" 1978

60" x 30" x 4", wood, fabric, paint, string

"Hung Spoon" 1980
"Hung Spoon" 1980

52" x 19" x 18",  basket, wooden spoon, string

"Knife and Coins"  1978
"Knife and Coins" 1978

Mixed Media, 43.5” x 36” x 2”

"Plumbob"  1978
"Plumbob" 1978

Mixed media, 62” x 45” x 4”

"Djed" 1978
"Djed" 1978

45" x 66", wood, fabric, paint, string

Untitled  1978
Untitled 1978

42" x 99" x 2",  wood, plastic laminate

Untitled  1978
Untitled 1978

52" x 84" x 2",  wood, paint

Untitled  1976
Untitled 1976

46" x 91" x 4",  wood, paint

Untitled  1976
Untitled 1976

46" x 98" x 3",  wood, paint